The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Not Delicious

In the mornings, I teach kindergarden. There is no national kindergarden program in Korea yet, so a lot of parents send their kids to Swaton to get a head start. There are 5 kindergarden classes, grouped according to age and English level. My homeroom class is called UPenn (all classes named after Ivy League American schools - weird? yes). There's only 4 kids in the class, but they test my patience everyday. At 12, I feed them lunch and have to eat lunch with them until they are finished. No one brings a lunch, we are all fed Korean lunches by the kitchen staff. I haven't found a meal I haven't liked. And I also like it because I will always get a different Korean meal everyday to taste and discover.

I have a little boy in my class, whose English name is Daniel. He's cuter than anything, but I find myself constantly yelling at him because he's distracted very easily. Lately, he has discovered the word "delicious". For the past 3 lunches, he has been constantly saying, "Mary teacher, this not delicious". At first I thought it was funny because it's humourous to see a little boy use such a big English word to describe something. However, today the kitchen staff were sitting on the couches outside my classroom. And there goes Daniel yelling, "teacher, this not delicious!".'ll be a miracle when he finds these meals delicious.