The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas!!

Santa Dave Posted by Hello (click to enlarge)

Successfully made it through the last week before Christmas. The afternoon classes put on dramas for the last two days and today, we took the kindergartens to see the Polar Express at the movie theatre (too bad it was all dubbed in Korean - but I didn't fall asleep, so that's always a good sign). Santa Dave came with gifts for all, and I came home with enough gift scarves and gloves from the kids that will last me the next 3 decades (updated more pictures from Christmas under the Staff and Kindergarten Pictures).

Craig and I are headed to Thailand tomorrow for the next 9 days. Therefore, no new pictures for the next week, but I hope to be back with tons of beautiful shots. Planning a couple days in Bangkok to see the temples, off to the River Kwai, then the last few days on Ko Samet (to the beaches I go!!!). I've never been more excited about a vacation in my entire life. But I've never had to deal with screaming kids everyday before either.

Yeah for me, I made it 4 months (I'll worry about the other 8 later).

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Happy New Year!