The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

The 80's are here

Summer is here and some of my student's new clothes and toys have made me stop, stare and think, "didn't I have a pair of those when I was 8?" Jelly shoes are big right now. At least half of the girls in my classes wear them and brag about them (but it's not just girls; I've seen woman of all ages wear them here). I was shocked and horrified when I had two boys in my class wear black sweatshirts with the arms ripped off (sweatshirt tanks) paired with tight, black, tapered jeans. It was like re-watching old episodes of "Full House" or "Saved by the Bell". I just cringed. Now, I know these are from the early 90's, but Pogs have made a comeback (a start?) in Korea. All my kids have them, trade them. Last, but not least, I have come across kids who have snap bracelets. And not just any snap bracelet - a neon yellow snap bracelet - in it's true late 80's/early 90's colour.
It's like I'm reliving my childhood... in Korea. Please tell me this is only in Korea and not in Canada. Please tell me that jelly shoes and tight,black jeans on men have not filtrated back into the North American fashion scene.....