The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Spurs vs Boca

The Peace Cup (football/soccer) is going on in Korea this month and teams from all over the world are playing in Korea. Last Saturday, Brett ordered tickets for a Spurs (England) vs Boca (Argentina) game that was in Suwon. The four of us travelled down to Suwon, went to Happy Liquor Pia for a mini keg of beer (left) and lemon soju (right) and went to the game.
As the four of us sat watching the game, we had numerous Koreans (kids, teenagers..) come up to us, wanting their picture with us - like the kids who are walking behind Laura and I in the picture. Craig and I guessed that some of these kids had come from towns where there are no foreigners and wanted a picture (?) - and Brett thinks some of the older kids taking pictures were playing games ("who can get the most pictures of a foreigner").

It was a tied game in the end - and while Craig and I staggered home by bus and subway from Suwon that night, Brett and Laura stayed at a "love" motel (the cheaper motels in Korea). Craig still has to post his pictures online; in the meantime, you can check out Brett's