The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Bangkok, Thailand

By the Standing Buddha: being a typical tourist Posted by Hello(click to enlarge)

Only spent a full day in Bangkok. Needed to see all the typical tourist attractions for at least one day. The temples and palaces were amazing; I was really awed by the Reclining Buddha - the size of it alone stunned me. It's not uncommon to try and be scammed into buying fake gems or fake Armani suits; we didn't go far in Bangkok before trying to be scammed. We caught on pretty quick, but I was amazed at the boundaries they pushed to try and make a few hundred bucks. Lost our Lonely Planet guide in the hotel, but was later saved by a man on the corner selling used Bangkok guides (we probably bought back our lost guide). Along with finding little hole-in-the-wall Thai restaurants with the most amazing food, it was a very interesting day in the city.

Bangkok pictures:
mine / Craig's