The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Saturday, February 26, 2005


It was Graduation for the kindergartens on Friday. There are 22 moving up to elementary school leaving a big gap in our the morning program. Stella, our kindergarten co-ordinator, is leaving for the States to study English with her husband, so we are left with Ellie as the only Korean kindergarten teacher. We won't have enough kindergartens in the morning to fill Stella's spot. But good news for us. We are going down to 4-30 min classes in the morning, instead of the 4-40 min classes we used to teach. Those 10 minutes makes all the difference in the world when dealing with 6 year olds. *more grad pictures soon*

Parents and their cameras

With their diplomas

Jei & Craig

Sunny & Sally - off to China for 3 years

Brown class & Stella