The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Happy New Year!

It's Lunar New Year here in Korea. The 3 day holiday is normally attached to a weekend, giving us 5 days off, but it works out this year that we only get off Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Most schools are giving their teachers either the Monday or Friday off so they can have a long break, but.... not Swaton. Have to work the Monday and Friday *sigh*. But, 3 days off is 3 days off, so maybe we'll do some more exploring in Seoul since no one will be in the city during the holiday, or maybe the DMZ - haven't been there yet.

Rumour has it that Dave and Gabe are going to be replaced with a British couple from London. They've taught in Korea before, and they want to come back to teach. They're coming sooner than we thought. Since the new school year starts in March, Mrs Jang's going to let Dave & Gabe go sooner than the 6 weeks they requested to bring the new teachers in for the new school year.

Craig and I got rid of the TV in December since we didn't get any stations worth watching and to free up some space in the living room. But as the months went by TV-less, I realized I hadn't seen a new (non-Korean or non-Korean-dubbed) movie since Gabe begged us to watch Mystic River months ago. So Craig and I made it a movie weekend and watched Lost in Translation (thoroughly enjoyed, maybe even more so since I'm in Korea now), Napoleon Dynamite (one of the dumbest, yet most entertaining movies I've seen in a long time), Sex is Comedy and the first 4 episodes of 3rd season 24 (help me, I'm addicted once again). Besides watching more 24 (I love you Tony Almeida), I should be set for another 3 months. However, I probably should take advantage of the $1 DVD rentals here more often, so if there's a movie I shouldn't miss, let me know.