The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Monday, March 28, 2005


In one of my elementary classes, I have a boy named Jeff. Lets just say Jeff's not very swift. I make him sit next to me in class, so that I at least get some work out of him. He often likes to touch and play with my pens, books, binders on the table, because he's fidgety. Anyway, I've recently developed a runny nose and I've been carrying a few tissues around to class. So today, in Jeff's class, I left my dirty kleenex on the table while I turned around to write something on the board. When I turned back around, Jeff was actually playing with the dirty kleenex. So I sat down next to him and smiled as I watched him play with it for the next minute. I then said, "Jeff, do you know what I use that for?" as I pointed to my nose. His face turned to green as he quickly put the kleenex back on the table. It was the perfect, non-planned, punishment for him always touching my stuff. And even better, he stays far away from anything that's mine now.