The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Happy Birthday Laura!

You have to love the beard
Originally uploaded by Waeguk Expat.

Friday was Laura's birthday. To celebrate, the four of us went to Happy (Harry) Liquor Pia for dinner and drinks. Craig even ordered some silk worm larvae, a common Korean street snack. Only Brett and Craig risked the pot of insects - I don't care how unique it is - it's just gross; and if it tastes anything like it smells, I wasn't eating it. Later, Laura found a NoriBang (karaoke room) nearby. After getting good and lemon soju-liquored up, we had a go at singing just one more time before leaving Korea. It's great nights like these that I feel sad about leaving Korea.
Brett took some excellent pictures. If you want to see us looking stupid, have a look. Brett did a good job of capturing the night.