The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Back to work....

Getting back into the regular schedule, getting used to the cold again (thankfully it still hasn't snowed), and getting used to the fact that my tan will eventually fade. The elementary schools are now on their "summer vacation" (they have their 6 week break in the winter). Now Swaton's afternoon elementary classes are changing day to day. Many kids are taking breaks from their private schooling as well as their normal schooling, so my classes have decreased from an average of 7 kids to 2-3 kids or some of my classes are cancelled. Unfortunately, it won't be long before the new school year starts up again for the kids (in March) and we'll be overworked once again. I'll have to take advantage of these next couple months.