Sexy Boy
Gabe's Brown kindergarten class is always an interesting bunch when I have them for science. Today we were making turtle bodies and heads. The science kits give these vocabulary cards with pictures so the kids can learn the new words. This is the picture they used to explain "body". A headless, legless, armless man, with a, uhh, well defined chest. Of course all the boys laughed and all the girls screamed and wouldn't touch the card when I first gave them out. But soon, the girls started looking at it more and starting yelling "Sexy Boy". I asked one of the girls where they learned the word 'sexy'. I should have known - it was Gabe. I can't wait to get complaints from the parents that I give the kids "sexy boy" cards.
"Sexy boy" (click to enlarge)

"Sexy boy" (click to enlarge)
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