The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Friday, April 01, 2005

March Field Trip

Yesterday was our March field trip with the kindergartens. We took them to see the Wizard of Oz at a theatre in La Festa (the main shopping area in Ilsan). It was all in Korean, so Ellie let us four foreigners shop around while the play was going on. I think the play was a little too scary - when we met the kids as they were exiting the play, there were a few that were crying - probably from the witch?

We then bused the kids to a nearby Folk House in the middle of Ilsan that's 140 years old. That was quite interesting. It's amazing that there's this historic building hidden in amongst all the apartments and businesses.

The day didn't go without the odd kid puking or a few tears, but what's a kindergarten field trip without it, right?

Up the stairs at the Folk House

Little doors for little people

Kimchi pots

Having a snack
