The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


I opened my Korean bank account today. Even though the girl only knew about 3 words of English, I was very impressed with the efficiency in which she open the account (only an ex-teller would notice, eh?). A $1000 US ='s about 1,000,000 Korean Won, so after this first paycheck, I was a millionaire. I'll have to save my bank book for years to come to prove that I once had more than 7 figures in my account. :) The only thing about the Korean banking system that I haven't liked so far is that the bank machines aren't opened 24 hours. They usually close around 10pm. Not only do we have to work around banking hours, but ATM hours too.