The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Silly Songs

Kisses: Jason, Demi & Melody Posted by Hello (click to enlarge)

Today, Stella, the kindergarten co-ordinator, gave me a tape of English songs for the children to learn. I cringed at the thought that I would have to sing with them. I'm a horrible singer. But, I popped in the tape and started singing this goofy song for the kids to repeat. They loved it and wanted it played over and over. We all danced and sang to this one song called, "Atooty-ta ta" (never heard of it??......I'm not surprised). It's the most fun I've had with the kids all month and it boosted my spirits on a blah Thursday morning. So, for all those teachers out there...silly songs where you have to look like an idiot, not only makes you laugh, but the kids love it too. Silly songs are now my new best teaching tool.