The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Sunday, October 17, 2004


Swaton at night Posted by Hello(click to enlarge)

After a few school picture requests, I'm finally showing everyone where I work. The school is the located near downtown Ilsan and is part of the city street. There is no playground (we use the one at my apartment complex) or any outdoor play area for the kids. They have a small playroom for the kindergartens, but since it's strictly an English school in the afternoon, there's no need for a play area outdoors.

Patrick Ryan, the Canadian teacher who I replaced at Swaton, has a really good website. He talks about his experiences in Korea (he and his girlfriend, Heather, were in Busan and Ilsan, teaching for the year). He also has great photos, not only of Korea, but of Ilsan and the kids. It's Check out the Ilsan pictures -> then "Ilsan: Our City" for some really good pictures of the street where Swaton is located and the neighbourhood surrounding it. He lived in the apartment that I live in now, so all the views on his website are the same as mine now.