The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Pepero Day

Today is Pepero Day. The kids were telling me about it yesterday, but I had no idea what they were talking about. The Korean teachers said that the Lotte Company here made 11/11 Pepero Day as a way to sell their Peperos, chocolate covered cookie sticks (11/11 because it looks like 4 sticks ... *groan*). The kids and couples give them to each other, and most schools give these sticks out to the students. One of my students left one on my desk in the staff room yesterday and I thought it would be a good 6 o'clock sugar fix. It was the most disgusting, bland cookie I've ever tasted. I threw more than half of it out. Oh well, at least there will be no temptations to eat them today.