The year of the Teacher

Experiences teaching for a year in South Korea. Traveling the country and taking pictures everywhere.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


We are starting to prepare for our Trans-Siberian trek in September and part of that is learning some of the language of these countries. Russian seemed like a good language to start with. A few times a week Craig and I have been trying to learn necessary phrases that could help us. The Cyrillic alphabet is just one obstacle to conquer when learning the language - but the double, triple, quadruple consonant sounds that are strung together seem to be the biggest challenge so far. Try and wrap your tongue around these phrases:

"Zdravstvooeetye. Myenya zavoot Mary."
(Hello. I am called Mary.)

"Mi yedyem v Maskvoo."
(We are going to Moscow.)

"Dobriiy dyen. Oo vas yest nomyer na dvaeekh, na adnoo noch? Stoeet nye sleeshkam doroga?"
(Good day. Do you have room for two, for one night? Cost not too expensive?)